الأحد، سبتمبر 12، 2010

How To Migrate Your Contacts From Your Local Mobile To Android Mobile

There are three main approaches

the first one is manual approach
that is simply Do Loop Approach

for each contacts (con) in your local mobile contacts
Start Loop
read (con) from Local Mobile
write (con) to Android Mobile

Go To Start Loop

the second one is by sprite migration application

you can start read this page

when you be ready you can start read this page

if your local mobile is windows mobile (i-mate,htc hd,touch ,..etc)
download the file in this page and setup into your local mobile

run it and get backup file

if your local mobile is Symbian mobile (nokia, sony ericsson ,...etc)
do the same previous step but by this page


if your local mobile (not that local) is black berry
do the same previous step but by this page


move it to your computer

and download the file in this page and setup it in your computer


this application will convert your contacts to format that will be applicable in Android mobile

then copy the new file (converted file) to your Android mobile

then download the file in this page through your Android mobile and setup it
do not forget check the unknown sources to allow setup this file
menu-->settings --> application -- unknown sources

you can uncheck it later


finally open migrate application through your applications menu in your Android mobile

check list
load my data into Android
select converted file
select data
start migration

the third approach is using OutLook

synchronizes your local mobile by the way you have
open outlook
1.Click the File tab.
2.Click Options.
3.Click Advanced.
4.Under Export, click Export.
5.In the Import and Export Wizard, click Export to a file, and then click Next.6.Under 6.Create a file of type, click the type of export that you want, and then click Next.
The most common is Comma Separated Values (Windows), also known as a CSV file.
7.Under Select folder to export from, select the contact folder that you want to export, and then click Next.
8.Under Save exported file as, click Browse, select a destination folder, and in the File name box, type a name for the file.
9.Click OK.
10.In the Export to a File dialog box, click Next.
11.Click Finish.

then open your Gmail Account

click contacts tap
more actions
select outlook exported file

now your contacts are over your Gmail Account
by the way you can add or edit or delete it any time

now you have to synchronize your Android mobile with your Gmail
by the way you can do after any approach

data synchronization

setup your Gmail Account user name and password
and make it synchronize your contacts at least

then you finsh


السبت، سبتمبر 04، 2010


للمرة الالف اصطدم مع الآخر
ادعي دائما اني متفهم لوجهة نظر الآخر
ولكني حين اراقب من منظور عين الطائر -من خارج الصورة لغير المهندسين- اكتشف اني لم اكن اعلم بوجود هذا الآخر اصلا

منذ ايام قليلة
استمعت من منظور عين الطائر الى ثلاث متسولات يتحدثن ويتعاتبن على شيء ما
اعتقد انه نوعية الحوارات التي تحتوي على جمل مثل
لماذا لم تخبرينني بان هذا الشخص اعطاك مالا وفيرا
لقد اشرت لكي ولكنك لم تنتبهي

في نهاية العتاب
قالت احداهن للاخرى
حلمت امبارح ان في راجل اداني خمسين جنيه

نعم المتسولون يربحون
ولكني لم اكن اعلم شيئا عن احلامهم ونطاقها
حدود الحلم خمسون جنيها
وميكانزميات الحلم هو الوهب والعطاء
وفاعليات الحلم هي مد اليد وسؤال الناس

اليوم رأيت نموذج اخر
ولكن هذا نموذج آخر